Infill Residential Development

Residential area from above

The City is considering creating additional residential zone districts to create more predictability for what types of homes will be built in new residential projects. This includes additional zone districts for a variety of residential types, including single family detached and attached, townhomes, multifamily, etc.

One of the goals in creating these additional zone districts is to prioritize compatibility, ensuring new homes blend with the existing neighborhoods. These additional zone districts would apply only to new residential projects and are not intended to replace the primary residential zone district in the City, called Neighborhood Conservation (NC).

City Council held work sessions on infill residential development on March 14, 2023, August 8, 2023, February 13, 2024, and May 14, 2024, and at a study session on September 3, 2024. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the additional infill residential zone districts via Ordinance 2024-O-14 on September 11, 2024, and City Council will conduct a public hearing on October 1, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is infill residential development?

Infill residential development is generally new residential projects that fill in vacant or transitioning properties with new housing, often in the form of single-family homes, townhouses or small apartment/condo buildings.

What types of residential are permitted in the City's current infill residential zone districts?

The City’s current zone districts allow anything from single family detached to multifamily housing (apartments) and the exact type of residential is not determined at the time of zoning leading to uncertainty on what housing type will be constructed on properties. The additional residential zone districts would permit similar types of housing but would create more predictability on what housing type can be built on individual properties.

What is the intended outcome of these zone districts?

The additional residential zone districts intend to facilitate additional housing options within the City and by narrowing the types of housing allowed within each zone district, there is greater predictability on the size, scale and density of the new housing.

How would the infill residential zone districts be used?

If approved, the infill residential zone districts would be an available option for an applicant to request a rezoning for their property. A rezoning application is required to meet all applicable approval criteria, including adherence to the land use vision found in Centennial NEXT. Rezoning applications require a community meeting and public hearing.

Would the City be changing zoning designations in neighborhoods across the City?

The City does not intend to proactively rezone existing residential properties in the City, including those under the Neighborhood Conservation zone district. The City will consider rezoning applications based on the City’s rezoning criteria.

How would I know if there's a rezoning request?

Rezoning applications are required to conduct a community meeting, with adjacent property owners and Homeowners Associations (HOAs) notified. Rezonings require two public hearings, both following noticing procedures that include notice to adjacent property owners and HOAs.

How are rezonings considered?

Rezoning applications are reviewed by Staff to ensure compliance with Centennial NEXT, the City's comprehensive plan and all applicable approval criteria. Rezoning applications require two public hearings, with the Planning and Zoning Commission providing a recommendation to City Council, who is the final decision maker. Ultimately, the City is striving for new housing projects to fit within the context of the surrounding area.