Arapahoe Urban Center District 4 (AUC-4)

Map of AUC-4 area between I-25, E Arapahoe Rd, S Yosemite St and E Briarwood Blvd

Arapahoe Urban Center District No. 4 (AUC-4) is a collection of 23 properties, located at the southwest corner of East Arapahoe Road and Interstate 25. The AUC-4 area is the focus of a City-initiated Regulating Plan to set forth a long-term vision for transforming the area into an economically vibrant, pedestrian-oriented, cohesive mixed-use environment.

AUC-4 was identified in Centennial NEXT as a potential “iconic gateway” for Centennial, yet currently is largely characterized by aging commercial buildings, limited and functionally obsolete infrastructure and a lack of coordinated private reinvestment.

On October 3, 2023, City Council approved the AUC-4 Regulating Plan. Audio and materials from the meeting can be accessed on Agendas, Minutes & Audio. The Regulating Plan will govern cohesive redevelopment opportunities for the area and unlock the development standards in the Urban Center zone district. The Regulating Plan was a City-initiated application to ensure cohesive and coordinated redevelopment occurred within the area while removing a hurdle for redevelopment.

The Regulating Plan provides a broad vision for development in an area and activate the development standards in the Urban Center zone district. A Regulating Plan is required prior to the consideration of site plans for areas under the Urban Center zone district designation. Future site plan applications within AUC-4 will be required to adhere to the approved Regulating Plan.

Conceptual Renderings*

Conceptual Rendering Looking Northeast

Conceptual Rendering of AUC-4 Looking North

Conceptual Rendering Looking North

Conceptual Rendering of AUC-4 Looking North

Conceptual Rendering Looking Southeast

Conceptual Rendering of AUC-4 Looking Southeast

Conceptual Rendering Looking East

Conceptual Rendering of AUC-4 Looking East

Conceptual Rendering within AUC-4

Conceptual Rendering within AUC-4

Conceptual Rendering Looking Northeast

Conceptual Rendering of AUC-4 Looking Northeast

*These renderings are merely conceptual and illustrative in nature.

Virtual Community Meeting is Closed

The City hosted a virtual community meeting from March 6 - April 21, 2023 with the City receiving feedback and comments from residents and members of the public (View the feedback here). Members of the community may continue to reach out to City Staff with questions at