Q: What is an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)?
A: An Accessory Dwelling Unit is a second, subordinate dwelling unit located on the same lot as a principal dwelling unit. The unit includes its own independent living facilities with provisions for sleeping, cooking, and sanitation, and is designed for residential occupancy independent of the principal dwelling unit
Q: Can I build an ADU even though my Homeowners Association prohibits them?
A: No. It is the responsibility of the property owner of record to ensure compliance with any private homeowner association requirements, covenants, conditions and restrictions for the ADU. The City will not independently verify such compliance.
Q: Can I have more than one ADU on my lot?
A: No. Only one ADU is allowed per single-family detached dwelling.
Q: Can my lot be subdivided to sell my ADU independently?
A: No, lots containing both a principal dwelling unit and an ADU may not be subdivided so that the ADU occupies a different platted lot than the principal dwelling unit. The ADU shall not be sold independently of the principal dwelling on the lot.
Q: Can I build an ADU and a single-family dwelling at the same time?
A: Yes, as long as the principal dwelling has been issued a building permit for which construction has commenced within 180 days of permit issuance or is making progress toward completion every 180 days.
Q: Can I use my recreational vehicle as an ADU?
A: No, ADUs must be permanent, habitable structures. Mobile homes, recreational vehicles and travel-trailers are prohibited.
Q: If I build an ADU, can I sell it?
A: No. ADUs are “accessory” structures and cannot be sold separately from the main house.