Right-of-Way Maintenance

Vegetation control and debris cleanup along major streets

The City of Centennial is responsible for cutting or spraying weeds and picking up trash in the public rights-of-way of major City streets and some state highways in Centennial where homeowner associations and commercial developments are not responsible for the maintenance. Native-grass will be mowed to maintain a height of eight inches.

South Suburban Parks and Recreation District (SSPRD) maintains many greenways in the City of Centennial. Some mowing areas in the City are adjacent to storm water drainage areas. “Best Management Practices” for water quality and erosion control, as defined by the Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority (SEMSWA), restrict crews from applying herbicide in the storm water drainage areas. Therefore, vegetation control is limited to mowing and weed cutting in these areas. The City of Centennial partners with SEMSWA and SSPRD to maintain the vegetation in the rights-of way adjacent to greenways and storm water drainage areas within the parameters of program requirements and water quality regulations. View the Right-of-Way Maintenance Map for information on what's included in Centennial's right-of-way maintenance program. 

Median Maintenance Program

The City is responsible for maintaining medians and rights-of-way located on major City streets where a homeowners association, commercial development, district or other governmental agency is not responsible for the maintenance, unless identified on the Right-of-Way Maintenance Map. The Median Maintenance Program includes cleaning concrete medians in the spring to remove winter residue, year-round trash and debris removal, and vegetation control to eliminate weeds.