Request Public Records

Do you need to make a public record request with the City of Centennial?


Step 1.Check if it's Already Available

The City provides some records online for your convenience.

Search Online Records

Step 2.Submit a New Request

If you cannot locate the record in our database, then submit the online request and we will research it for you. 

Requests for records related to court matters can also be placed using this form. 

Public Records Request Form

Step 3.What to Expect Next

After submission of your request, you will receive a confirmation email. The City will review and respond to your request via email. You will be contacted directly if additional information, fees or time is needed.


If you have questions, please call 303-325-8000.

Additional Information

Pursuant to §24-72-203 C.R.S. three (3) working days may be allowed for a search of the records. This may be extended by seven (7) working days for extenuating circumstances, to include the records being in active use, in storage or otherwise not readily available. Requests for Criminal Justice Records, Discovery and Zoning Verification will be processed according to applicable law.